Due to disability, some members and visitors may not be able to play golf without the help provided by a motorised ride-on buggy. The purpose of this document is to establish a standard for the safe operation of all ride-on buggies operated on the course at Castle Golf Club. The document also sets down the criteria to be applied and conditions to be met when the Club considers applications for their use.
Conditions for Use
Use of a ride-on buggy must be authorised by the Club and will be restricted, for purpose of playing golf, to persons having a disability which restricts their ability to play golf unless aided by the use of a buggy. Use of a buggy to access the course by persons such as team managers may also be permitted by the Club.
A disability to play golf must be certified by a registered medical practitioner or Physician.
Any member wishing to use a buggy on the course should apply in writing to the General Manager. Any request for a visitor to use a buggy should be made in advance to the General Manager/Caddy Master. An applicant must hold a valid driving licence.
Ride-on buggies are available for rent from the Club. Alternatively, applicants who meet the disability criteria may be permitted to use their own four wheeled buggies but will first be required to provide a specification for the buggy and a copy of their Insurance Schedule along with their application.
In order that these conditions can be met in practice, all buggies must be booked in advance through our Caddymaster. The Club reserves the right to accept or decline a booking if all of the conditions stipulated by the Club are not complied with.
Any applicant who is authorised to operate a ride-on buggy on the golf course is deemed, by so doing, to have the knowledge and skill to safely operate the vehicle and be fully accountable for their actions and the consequences thereof.
The safe operation of ride-on buggies on the course requires conscientious application and adherence to the requisite standard of care required in the use of all motorised vehicles.
Individuals must notify the Club as soon as the justification for the use of a ride-on buggy is no longer applicable at which time authorisation will be withdrawn.
The Club also reserves the right to withdraw authorisation if the Club believes the disability necessitating the use of a ride-on buggy ceases, or the conditions for its use are not fully complied with.
In the interest of safety, or the condition of the course, the Club may impose restrictions governing the use of the ride-on buggy on the course whenever, in its absolute discretion, it deems it appropriate to do so. This might apply to the whole or part only of the course. Among the issues which may result in such restrictions are adverse weather conditions including wind, rain, water logging or frost.