Sunday 7th July 2024 – Final Day

Good Morning all – hope you all slept well last night.
But did our four finalists sleep well in the knowledge that after a week of highs and lows, good golf and some lucky bounces, they will now take their well-deserved place in thefinal of  ALL IRELAND FATHER & SON CHAMPIONSHIP, played at Castle Golf Club and sponsored by Kearys Motor Group
“Once upon a time”, is the long-established opening to most fairytales and there is little doubt but that David & Daniel O’Beirne and Paddy & Jack Conlon have been the leading characters in this year’s story.
Both pairings will be pinching themselves in the hope and dream that this fairy story ends well.
“They all lived happily ever after” is the ending that we are all accustomed to, and hopefully come what may with the result, that our four warriors today will all live happily ever after, in the knowledge that each of them has achieved heroic status by simply reaching the final.
The 7th July is National Thank You day and how appropriate is that today.
This gives us the opportunity to say a Big Thanks to Chairman Michael O’ Neill and his assistants Philip Murphy and Hilary Haydon for all the great work they have undertaken to get this year’s tournament underway and running it so smoothly and efficiently.
A Big Thank You goes to all who have manned the Registration Desk including, Gerry Dunne, Peter Jordan, Tony Bourke, Denis Hogan, Mark O’ Riordan, Ray Kavanagh, Muirgheas Griffin, Trevor Steedman, Martin Ryan Jnr, and not forgetting one of today’s finalists David O’Beirne.
Thanks to our Starters Joe Connor, Greg Magrane, Phil Daly, Alan Howett, and John Rogan.
Thanks also to our staff in the Caddy masters, Jason, Trevor and above all Alex for his trojan work, the pro shop including Colin and Ian, Paul Paterson, Barbara and the office staff, to the bar and catering staff, to the artisans, to Paul Fitzgerald and the green keeping staff, to all our Juniors who helped out including, Jamie, Sam and Adam, to the Board including Captains Brendan and Siobhan, to the supporters, to you the members for all your forbearance and support and above all to all the Fathers & Sons who have competed this week.
Hope we have left nobody out - but if we did thanks to you too.
Enough of that – we should have gone with International Chocolate Day – it would have left a better taste.
And so, at 2:30 pm today the four players, two fathers and two sons will stand shoulder to shoulder, as the camaras click before the first ball is hit. Nerves will be at historical heights with nerves tingling with anxious excitement and fear.
Don’t go right, don’t go left, don’t put it in the bunker – would be better placed with Let’s go straight down the middle…………the fairways are in play! (I hear Billy Johns say)
The pathways to today’s final can be summarised as follows:
Final David (21) & Daniel (19) O'Beirne - Castle/Castle)   Patrick (21) & Jack (9) Conlon - (Castle/Castle) 
S-F David (15) & Darragh (14) Moran - (Castle/Castle)   Fionn (18) & Liam (23) Lacey - (Hermitage/Royal Dublin)
Q-F Conor (19) & Richard (20) Sheehan - (Castle/Castle)   Ronan (6) & Ger (22) Feighery (14) - (Rathfarnham/)
3rd Thomas (20) & Derek (23) Keating -(Craddockstown)   Peter (10) & Graham (1) O'Connor - (Foxrock/Foxrock)
2nd Cathal (15) & William (16) O'Leary - (Castle/Castle)   Morgan (22) & Finn (7) O'Sullivan - (Rathfarnham/Castle)
1st Martin (10) & Greg (13) McDonald - (Naas/Naas)   Eoin (4) & Donal (21) Casey - (Edmondstown)
The Conlon’s played their first round on Monday while O’Beirne’s have made it to today from Tuesday’s first round. The O’Beirne’s were leading qualifiers on 64, playing on Sunday, while the Conlon’s qualified on 72 in Saturday’s qualifier.
Jack Conlon will have his biggest fan here yet again today as his Granny, Hilary O'Herlihy (Foxrock) has walked with them each day and provided both Jack and his Dad Paddy with great support and encoragement - Well Done Gran!
So – hopefully you are now all organised and we will see you bright and early for today’s final – 2:30 pm – the weather has held up well all week and today looks like it will be breezy and sunny – risk of a light shower around the 5th and 6th but otherwise all systems are GO-GO-GO.

And so! we are set to go with the players on the first tee. Two great drives down the from Paddy and Daniel followed up by some excellent play from the Conlon’s – first blood drawn as they go one up.
The second is a shot hole and Jack Conlon steps up with a great drive – the O’Beirne’s are in the trees. Young Jack holes from 8 feet on a tricky downhill lie to halve the hole.
Paddy hits one big on the third into the flower bed beside the fourth tee – leaving Jack to take a drop and he puts the ball on the green in three – David putts up to four feet for a conceded par – all square.
The fourth is played from the fairway after two top dollar drives from David and Jack – Daniel and Paddy make the green in two but David has the last laugh holing for birdie – O’Beirne’s one up.
The fifth was halved in fives after Daniel holes a four-footer downhill – no change.
The Conlon’s draw level on the sixth after Jack hit a superb chip to four feet which Paddy duly obliged – match all square again.
Six holes played and it’s another ding dong affair with both sides attacking the course with vigour.
The par three seventh is halved with pars and still no change after eight.
The O’Beirne’s take the ninth using their shot wisely – one up at the turn

The O’Beirne’s extend their advantage on the par three tenth after both sides were bunkered off the tee – two putts were enough to win the hole.
The eleventh was halved in bogey after Jack Conlon chipped up to two feet – this young guy is so good.
The tricky twelfth was negotiated from the fairway for both sides and with Daniel hitting the green in two – two putts were enough for the win – three up.
Both sides seem to be taking a liking for Castle’s bunkers with both again being entertained by them on the par three 13th – The Conlon’s make par after Jack’s perfect lob from the sand – back to two.
Yet again the O’Beirne’s make good use of their shot winning the 14th in par – 3 up.
On fifteen, yet another quality chip from Jack Conlon, while unfortunately David O’Beirne finds the bunker (again) from his duff – I mean shot. The Conlon’s are getting up some steam – 2 down.
Following a sold drive from Jack Conlon – they play the hole in the expected manner – The O’Beirne’s on the other hand have now swapped trees for the bunkers and are now trying to hit them -Par putt conceded – game on 1 down for the Conlon’s
The comeback is completed on the 17th when guess what? - Jack hits another excellent chip to win the hole – is there anything stopping this young man – what a short game!
Game all square.
Going down the 18th all square – nerves are jangling – and I am in Headfort Golf Club!
Wonder how the players are feeling at this point – two great drives – particularly David O’Beirne’s – Paddy hits the shot of the day with his second landing just 10 feet from the hole – superb! The O’Beirne’s are just short in two and David chips up to 8 feet – the O’Beirne’s use their shot to take the match into tie holes – we are going down 19.

Where are they getting the energy and stamina from – it’s been along week and justifiably the great match goes up the 19th – what drama!
Daniel O’Beirne hits a great drive - his best drive of the day down the middle of the fairway – David follows up an excellent second shot – The Conlon’s are struggling to keep up – the tank is coming up empty – The O’Beirne’s finish the match off with a little style – and its over – The O’Beirne’s have won – What a great match from both sides.
And so! it’s over for another year and David & Daniel O’Beirne are All Ireland Father & Son Champions – Congrats to my Saturday playing partner – I guess now every time I come up to the club for a pint – I will be faced with the names of David & Daniel O’Beirne on the Wall of Champions – absolutely fabulous.
Spare a thought for Paddy & Jack Conlon – who have put in a quality performance this week – sadly for them just short of the line – There is little doubt but that they will be back and it will be no surprise to see their name up on that wall in the near future.
That’s it for 2024 – many thanks to all who have tuned into the Blog – hope you have enjoyed it.
A last thank you to Kearys Motor Group for their sponsorship.
David & Daniel O’Beirne – All Ireland Father & Son Champions – nice ring to it.
See you in 2025.

Saturday 6th July 2024 – Semi Finals
Yes – indeed you are all wondering what is so special about 6th July 2024 – and Guess what?  
It’s International Day for Cooperatives with the theme, “Cooperatives Building a Better Future for All.”
The International Day of Cooperatives is an annual celebration of the cooperative movement that takes place on the first Saturday of July since 1923. 
  • More than 12% of humanity is part of any of the 3 million cooperatives on earth:
  • The 300 largest cooperatives or mutuals report a total turnover of 2,409.41 billion USD while providing the services and infrastructure society needs to thrive:
  • Cooperatives contribute to the sustainable economic growth and stable, quality employment, providing jobs or work opportunities to 280 million people across the globe — 10% of the world’s employed population.
How appropriate all that is on the day of the semi-finals of the All-Ireland Father & Son, sponsored by Kearys Motor Group and being played at Castle Golf Club, today.
Foursomes golf is one of the purest forms of golf, played with Father & Son playing each alternate shot – forming their own cooperative on the day, that they hope will contribute to a sustainable performance, that delivers and brings them across the line into tomorrow’s final.
Hickory – Dickory – Dock – Who’s going to come out on Top?
After a week of turmoil, agony and ecstasy, we have arrived at semi finals day. The muscles are tweaking, the arms and the legs are at breaking point, the mind is muddled, the concentration has been tested and yet all four pairs will step onto the first tee - full of hope, expectation and fear, in the hope that they can hold it together for just one more day – one more day and we can get to the final – Yes we can!  - Yes, we can do it! -  Just believe!
At the end of today’s play there will be simply just two pairings left in the tournament leaving almost 200 other pairs knowing that this year is pent and may – just maybe next year will be our turn!
Now down to the action!
First match up today see’s the leading qualifiers, who have never previously got to the matchplay stages David & Dan O’Beirne playing against David & Daragh Moran in this All Castle match. Both pairs reached the final courtesy of a 19th hole win last night.
The second semi final will see the Father & Son pairing of Fionn & Liam Lacey (Hermitage/Royal Dublin) taking on Castle’s Paddy & Jack Conlon. Don’t be fooled by young Jack’s youthful appearance – he may be the youngest of the eight players in the semi-final, but he is one seriously talented young golfer – the “baby assassin”. Watch this space!
The Moran’s won the first after the O’Beirne’s hit their shot into the trees on the right. The O’Beirne’s struck back on the second following a nice chip from David to six feet.
Honours all even.
The third was shared in pars after both Dan and Daragh hit the green with their tees shot.
The Moran’s endured some tree trouble on four. Dan O’Beirne’s second shot landed at the back of the green – David rolled down the putt to provide Dan with the chance of winning the hole and he did not disappoint – 1 up.
More tree trouble for the Moran’s on five with the O’Beirne’s playing their second from the fairway. O’Beirne’s win with a five – two up.
Two good drives from the two Dad’s on six were followed up with decent shots from the sons. David O’Beirne chipped over the right bunker up to six feet while David Moran came in from the right – both end up with five with the O’Beirne’s using their shot to win the hole – 3 up.
After two good drives down eight, Daragh Moran pulled his second shot left of the green – the Moran’s make five. The O’Beirne’s have two putts for a win and take three – hole halved – still 3 up.
Two more good drives down nine. David Moran hits what looks like a quality second only for the ball to run off the green at the back – the O’Beirne’s are short in two. David O’Beirne hits a great chip onto the green but the putt gets missed. The Moran’s could only match them in five – another shot hole! It’s now 4 up to the O’Beirne’s
Both tee shots on ten are in the right hand bunker – Daragh Moran goes first from a bad lie and ends up in the other bunker – Dan O’Beirne add to the drama by leaving his ball in the bunker – David rescues the situation with a good bunker shot - to cut a long story short – The Moran’s concede the O’Beirne putt – Happy Birthday! now 5 up.
The liking for bunkers continued on eleven with both sides in the left hand bunker off the tee – A poor bunker recovery from David O’Beirne was followed by an excellent shot by his son onto the green with David holing for an unlikely par – Poor David & Daragh Moran are finding it hard to cope with these two – there seems to be very little petrol in the tank – this happens often immediately after a hard match the night before. Its now 6 up for the O’Beirne’s
The O’Beirne’s put the final nail in the Moran coffin on the glorious twelfth – with another winning par to pour the additional salt into the wound.
Tough night in the office for the Moran’s but well done to David and Daragh on a great week together, unfortunately there has to be a loser in every semi-final.
We will see David & Dan O’Beirne tomorrow for the final – David has tickets for centre court at Wimbledon for the whole day tomorrow – great week’s work for the two of them and who knows what might happen in the final.
The second semi-final produced a nervy start from the Conlon’s as they went up the first fairway – the long week looking to take its toll early the match – the Lacey’s capitalise with a winning par to go one up.
The second followed a similar pattern with the Conlon’s failing to benefit from Jack’s excellent drive – the whole was completed with matching five’s leaving the Lacey’s to use their shot and go two up.
The Lacey’s hit the third green with their tee shot, while the Conlon’s were bunkered. Two putts were enough to win the hole and leave the Lacey’s going three up.
More bunker work for both sides on the fourth with Jack Conlon hitting the best recovery shot leaving his Dad, Paddy to hole out for par and take the hole – back to two down.
The fifth was halved in fives. On the sixth, the Lacey’s looked to be in a good position when Fionn Lacey played an excellent chip to eight feet to lie four. Another great shot from Jack Conlon followed by a ten foot putt from Paddy Conlon for a par allowed the Conlon’s to win the hole against the head with the Lacey’s having a shot at the hole – one down
Drama on the seventh after Paddy Conlon’s tee shot went long (he must have had an extra Weetabix for breakfast) and finished just short of the eighth fairway – young Jack played a sublime chip to the green, allowing the Conlon’s to win with a bogey. Its’ now all square.
The Conlon’s continued their press on the eight with Jack Conlon chipping in for birdie to go one up – that’s four wins in a row.
The ninth did not bring any better luck for Liam & Fionn Lacey with trouble off the tee in the trees and allowed the Conlon’s to go two up at the turn.
More misfortunate for the Lacey’s on the par three tenth hole when having to play three off the tee. A good bunker shot from Paddy Conlon left the Lacey’s with little option but to concede the hole – its now three up – what a turnaround in this match!
On eleven Jack Conlon hits a decent second shot just short of the green while the Lacey’s second goes right of the big tree – two putts from the Conlon’s wins the hole – 4 up.
The Lacey’s are through the twelfth in two and chip back to the green. Jack Conlon hits a great third shot onto the green – it’s a putting competition which the Conlon’s win to go the five up.
Fionn Lacey hits an excellent tee shot to the par three 13th and his Dad follows up with a good putt to six inches. Jack Conlon hit an excellent bunker shot to eight feet and the putt was missed – one back for the Lacey’s – four down – tough ask.
The Conlon’s make the fourteenth in two while the Lacey’s hit the green side bunker in three with a shot on the hole – a rare three putt from the Conlon’s allowed the Lacey’s to have the hole and it now dormie with four holes to play
Paddy Conlon and Fionn Lacey both hit the parr three 15th with quality tee shots. Jack rolls down his putt for a safe par while Liam Lacey goes so close to a winning two but alas no cigar this team.
The Conlan’s, Paddy and Jack will take their place alongside the O’Beirne’s in tomorrow’s final. Big thanks to Liam and Fionn Lacey for a terrific performance all week – it so unfair when you come up short in a semi-final but that’s sport.
And so, at the end of a long week – we have reached the final with the pairings as follows:
Patrick (21) & Jack (9) Conlon - (Castle/Castle) - (15) v David (21) & Daniel (19) O'Beirne - Castle/Castle) (20) 

The final is at 2:30 pm and please get down here to support thetwo two sides.
It’s an All Castle final – who will win !
Only time will tell!!
Stay Tuned - all will be revealed............

Friday 5th July 2024 – Quarter Finals Day

Happy Friday and welcome back to the 2024 Castle Golf Club All Ireland Father & Son, sponsored by Kearys Motor Group.
Have you booked your test drive – don’t waste time and book it today.
Today is National Workaholics Day, which is meant to remind us to find a good balance between our home and work life. In general, workaholics tend to put work before almost everything else, in their quest for perfectionism.
On National Workaholics Day, we are reminded to make sure to care for ourselves outside of work as well!
Wise words!
Well, we are not sure that can be said about our eight quarter finalists, who are certainly not putting work to the forefront this week – unless you consider holing a six foot putt or getting out of the green side bunker as work!
Then Again! Perhaps! – after all, they are actually working very hard this week!
Great news today from Italy and an update on Castle’s Rob Moran (past champion Father & Son), who shot a 64 in the Alps de Andalucia tournament in Italy, to finish runner up on 11 under par behind American Brandon Kewalramani, who finished one shot ahead on 12 under par.
Rob, having won the biggest pay cheque of his fledgling career totalling €3,940 is now up to 8th place in the Alps Tour Order of Merit and getting closer to securing a coveted Challenge Tour card for next season.
Brilliant News – Well done from all at the All-Ireland Father & Son at Castle Golf Club.

Now down to business – if you were here last night, you would have witnessed match play golf of the highest standard and tonight promises to bring nothing less.

First match of the night had Castle’s Paddy & Jack Conlon pitting their wits against Rathfarnham’s Ronan & Ger Feighery. The Conlon’s – yet again got off to a fast start and were two up after four, extending their lead to three on the next and turned four up after nine.
The Feighery’s battled back winning the 10th and held the score at three down after twelve. The Conlon’s finally pressed home their advantage winning the match on the fifteenth green, 5 and 4.
Tony & Rory O’Shea (Elm Park) stepped out next, against Fionn & Liam Lacey (Hermitage/Royal Dublin). It was nip and tuck in the early exchanges in this match with the Lacey’s going one up after five and held it their after seven, until doubling their lead after nine holes.
With the Lacey’s winning the 10th to go three up, you could see that the long week was catching up on the O’Shea’s and they lost the 11th and 12th.
Rory O’Shea hit a quality tee shot to the par three 13th winning the hole, to offer a glimmer of hope, only for it to fade away on the 15th green with the Lacy’s stepping forward to take their place in Saturday’s semi-finals.
Match 3 tonight was an all Castle collaboration with Conor & Richard Sheehan taking on the leading qualifiers David & Dan O’Beirne.
This match was a real jiggy jaggy affair as it rotated from one side to the other.
The Sheehan struck first and were one up after three and added to that when winning the fourth. The O’Beirne’s settled in winning the 7th and 8th to be all square playing the ninth.
 A win on nine had them turn the match to one up in their favour and quickly snatched the 10th. The Sheehan’s replied with wins on the 11th, 12th and 13th to restore a one hole advantage to them.
Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong! - What a match ebbing and flowing in every direction. Up Down Up Down – hard to keep track.
And you guessed right – The O’Beirne’s grabbed the 14th with a bogey to level the match – not too many halved holes here. Dan O’Beirne hit the green on the par three 15th with the Sheehan’s in the left greenside bunker – a good bunker shot from Richie just went past the hole without stopping. David O’Beirne rolled the birdie putt up to a gimme distance and the O’Beirne’s go back one up.
Not having it, the Sheehan’s restored parity in the match on the sixteenth – which way will this match turn?
Dan O’Beirne was unlucky with his third shot to the par five 17th as the ball landed on the down slope side of the green and rolled up the back of the green onto the first cut. Meanwhile Conor Sheehan almost hit the shot of his life, only for the ball to catch the edge of left green side bunker. David O’Beirne roll the ball down to two feet for par and the O’Beirne’s are back in front.
You would not get this on Sky Sports!
The two drives on the 18th went left – David almost going over the trees but alas catching the last one and falling between them – Richard on the other hand hit a pile driver left, hits the trees and bounces back to the right edge of the fairway – a member’s bounce and a little good fortune. Conor follows up with an excellent second shot with Richard putting the third on the green to set up a winning par – great stuff and guess what? - we are all square again and going up 19.
Two great drives followed by two excellent shots, and we arrive on the 19th green with the O’Beirne’s on in three and the Sheehan’s on in four. The O’Beirne’s go first and leave a tricky 6 footer for par while the Sheenan’s go so close to their par, just missing on the pro side.
Dan O’Beirne steps up and as we learned from last night – he seems to revel in these situations and tonight was no different as he rolled in the putt to book their semi-final place.
What a match!
The final match of the night was also an all Castle tie with David & Daragh Moran taking on Jim & Dara Mulready.
This was a tight affair from the off, all square after four, no change after five or six and stayed all square at the turn. The Mulready’s went one up on the par three 10th and increased their advantage to two holes after thirteen.
A top quality drive down the 14th from David Moran set a winning opportunity for the Moran’s which they grabbed with a par, to bring it back to one down. The par three 15th was halved in pars leaving the Mulready’s still one up. Great Golf! Hum Dinger!
The Moran’s squared the match on the sixteenth with another winning par. They followed that up with another par on seventeen only to lose the hole to a quality birdie from the Mulready’s – This is great match play golf – would you agree?
The Moran’s fought back yet again on the eighteen following another great drive from David and a solid iron from Daragh to set up a winning par, using their shot to best advantage.
Here we go again – up the 19th.
A good drive from Daragh Moran was followed by a WOW drive from Jim Mulready, it was that good. The Mulready’s followed it up with two good shots to set up the birdie chance.
The Moran’s hole out for par with a shot, while the Mulready’s agonisingly lip out the birdie chance – Its all over and the Moran’s take their place in Saturday’s semi-finals.
Tomorrow will see two great semi finals with the four pairings battling to reach the final when one of them will be crowned All Ireland Father & Son Champions.
The matches are as follows:
David & Darragh Moran - (Castle/Castle) (15) v David & Daniel O'Beirne - Castle/Castle) (20)
Fionn & Liam Lacey - (Hermitage/Royal Dublin) (21) v Patrick & Jack Conlon - (Castle/Castle) (15)
The matches start at 16:00 – you must get come and support all these players and enjoy match-play golf to die for.
Look forward to seeing you.

Thursday 4th July 2024
4th of July or July 4th, also known as Independence Day, marks the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, when the United States declared independence from Great Britain. The day is the “National Day” of the United States.
By an extraordinary coincidence, Thomas Jefferson (Virgina) and John Adams (Massachusetts), the only two signatories of the Declaration of Independence later to serve as presidents of the United States, both died on the same day: July 4, 1826, which was the 50th anniversary of the Declaration.
And so, Happy Independence Day to all of you – Ye-Haw!

Thankfully, each of our pairings have enjoyed independence of a kind this week, as they have been locked in solitary confinement on the golf course each evening for up to four hours with only each other for comfort – Father & Son, what bliss!

Oops!! – nearly forgot to welcome you to Thursday coverage of the 2024 Castle Golf Club All Ireland Father & Son, sponsored by Kearys Motor Group.

Goodness – talking about a night of two halves – the top half of the draw flowed so smoothly in the early part of the evening in calm but windy weather – more on the second half later.
First out David & Daragh Moran (Castle) took an early lead on Mark & Jack Edwards (Edmondstown) and reached the turn 2 up. A fight back looked on until the Moran’s closed out the match on the 16th, winning 3 and 2.

Jim & Dara Mulready (Castle) put an impressive performance tonight against the Grange pairing of Ken & Elliott Doyle – no doors or windows left open this match with a 6 and 5 result.

Castle’s Conor & Richard Sheehan were next up in a match with Paul & Brett Nagle (Milltown) – this local derby was close enough after nine holes with Castle two up. Richard Sheehan hit a drive down the index two 14th, that almost drove the green – some shooting, given handicap. That was enough to see the Sheehan’s through to the quarter finals, winning 5 and 4.

Castle round off a clean sweep in the top half of the night’s matches when leading qualifiers David & Dan O’Beirne won their match on the 15th, against Thomas & Derek Keating (Craddockstown) – a fight back looked on the cards here when the Keatings clawed the match back to four down on the 12th but Dan rolled in a treacherous downhill putt on the 15th to seal the deal.

And so! -  we move onto the second half of matches for the evening.
Tony & Rory O’Shea (Elm Park) stepped out against Paul & John O’Sullivan (Arklow/Enniscorthy) going one up after three. This advantage increased to three up after eight with the O’Sullivan winning the 11th to reduce the deficit to two. Nip and tuck ensued with the O’Shea’s holding firm. The match came to a tragic end for the O’Sullivan’s when losing a ball on the 17th fairway – as luck would have, they found it just after the three minutes. The O’Shea’s win through to Friday.
Gerry & Gerrard Casey (Elm Park/Blessington Lakes) came out the blocks like Bonnie & Clyde in their match against Fionn & Liam Lacey (Hermitage/Royal Dublin) leading three up after fives holes. The Lacey’s remained undaunted and clawed their way back to all square after nine holes – great match-play golf. As the match moved closer to the finishing line, the Lacey’s snatched a win on the par three 15th to go one up. The two Dad’s hit great drives down the 16th – brilliant to watch. The 16th was halved. The Lacey’s held their nerve on the 17th to roll in a winning putt from eight feet winning the tie 2 and 1.

The match of the night without doubt involved Paddy & Jack Conlon (Castle) up against Foxrock’s Peter & Graham O’Connor. The Conlon’s looked impressive from the off, going two up after four – but they knew they would need to be on their toes against the O’Connor’s with Graham playing well to his one handicap. The Conlon’s were on a mission and followed up with good wins five six and seven to be five up after seven. “Never say die” O’Connor’s took the 9th and 10th to reduce the deficit to three – match on!
The O’Connor’s won 11 after a magnificent shot from the 12th fairway. Graham O’Connor had a 200 yard shot to the 12th after his Dad hit the trees on the right and true to form hit the green. Paddy Conlon followed him onto the green. Two putts by both sides from 8 feet were enough to have the hole. This was golf of the highest standard.
On the 13th the Conlon’s looked to be in trouble when bunkered off the tee only for young Jack to flip it up to two feet – hole halved and still two up to the Conlon’s.
On the 14th another great shot from Graham O’Connor from the left side trees lands on the green, ten feet from the hole, leaving Peter to roll down the putt for a safe par and the match is back to one hole between them.
The Conlon’s regained their two hole advantage on the par three 15th after Paddy hit green and Jack rolled the putt up beside the hole with a par being enough to win the hole. Truly epic stuff and what matchplay is all about.
The O’Connor’s bring the match back to one down again with a birdie on the 16th – were we about to see them performing the impossible two nights in a row?
On the 17th Jack Conlon was left with a difficult bunker shot with a down hill lie and lots of sand to cover to make the green – an excellent shot left him on the edge of the green. Meanwhile, Peter O’Connor emerged from the other green side bunker to leave his son with an uphill putt to win the hole – which he duly obliged – ALL Square!
Two magnificent drives down the 18th fairway, both landing close to the 150 yard marker from the green. Both second shots missed the green with the Conlon’s on the left side and the O’Connor’s short right. The O’Connor’s come up short of the flag, while Jack Conlon hit a sublime chip to three feet. By this stage the evening had turned sour with the wind and the rain cutting though the players. It took Graham O’Connor a few attempts to stand up to the ball and when he did, he hit agonisingly past the hole leaving the Conlon’s to advance to the quarter finals. What a match from both sides – Well done and Hard Luck!

In the final match of the evening the Feighery’s, Ronan and Ger from Rathfarnham had a great match with Graeme & John Butterly (Corrstown). The Feighery’s were one after the turn and increased their lead to three after thirteen. The Butterly’s won the 14th to reduce the gap to two but could not do enough on the night to haul back the Feighery’s who won on the 17th green two and one.

It’s a good time to look back into the history books and see how past champions have performed in 2024.
The reigning champions were not able to defend their title as Peter Cosgrove teamed up with David this year and sadly, they did not get through to the match play rounds.

As previously mentioned, we bid farewell to the Finlans (Michael 6 wins and Steve 5 wins) in the first round – the ultimate Supremos.
Nice time to mention Robert Moran who alongside his Dad, Gerry, won this title in 2012. Rob is now plying his trade as a young professional golfer on the Alps Tour. Rob produced a great round of golf today at the Alps de Andalucia event in Almeria, Spain and currently lies in 5th position with one round to go – fingers crossed.
We all wish him well for tomorrow and into the future from everyone at the All-Ireland Father & Son event in Castle – perhaps the 2024 tournament will produce another star for the future.

Meanwhile, back to the action, Tomorrow (Friday) is Quarter-Finals Day – even the sound of it sends the shivers up the spine – nerves will be dangling – who will hold their game together? – who will play the best golf? – who will keep the mistakes off the card? – who is tired? – who can hole that vital putt to send them into the Semi-Finals?
More mouth watering matches with two all Castle quarter finals – a lot at stake for these pairings. There are five clubs left in the quarterfinals and all to play for,
Can’t wait! – all will be revealed tomorrow – so why not come down to Castle and see for yourself – you will be most welcome.
See you tomorrow 
Wednesday 3rd July 2024
Welcome to Wednesday’s Blog and update on the 2024 Castle Golf Club All Ireland Father & Son, sponsored by Kearys Motor Group.
This event would not be possible without the sponsorship provided by Brendan Keary and the Kearys Motor Group and so on your behalf, we say a HUGE THANK YOU.
No doubt you have noticed the flashy cars on display here at Castle this week.
We have the stylish Renault Scenic, a car reinvented for life and living, designed to ensure the comfort and wellbeing of your whole family. 
We also have the Renault Rafale - In 1934, an extraordinary racing aircraft opened up new horizons: the Caudron-Renault Rafale. Today, this high-flying design inspires us once again to bring the sky to the road.
For the best value in the motor industry’s most trusted and acclaimed brands – BMW, Hyundai, Nissan, Renault, Dacia, MINI and Motorrad - offering a massive selection of new and used cars, vans and motorbikes – Contact Kearys Motor Group today.
You’ve guessed already – Its International Plastic Bag Free Day.
Every year on 3rd July, people around the world come together to celebrate International Plastic Bag Free Day. This special day serves as a global reminder of the urgent need to reduce our dependence on single-use plastic bags and find sustainable alternatives.

Here’s hoping that all our golfers competing today do not make a “bags” of their shots and play well.
Wednesday is always an important day in the Father & Son, as the process for the true contenders of the overall TITLE starts to emerge. There is plenty at stake, with everyone trying to make it through to Thursday match play stages – simple amazing!
Its has been absolutely fantastic to see the supporters and well wishers at Castle tonight – all the players really appreciated the turn out and having been so fortunate to have played tonight I pass on the gratitude from all the players to everyone who turned out – and you got to see some excellent quality golf.
Oh my God !! – there was some golf played !!!
The ultimate excellence of Peter and Graham O’Connor (Foxrock), previous runners up in this competition and the birdies they threw at Castle’s Hilary & Arthur Haydon (last year’s beaten quarter finalists) proved decisive when winning on the last hole – Well Done Goys!
So many great matches coming down the 18th – it was brilliant.
Finn O’Sullivan (Castle) playing with his Dad Morgan celebrated a HOLE in ONE on the 15th with a magnificent 6 iron holing out, but sadly went on to lose to Castle pairing Paddy & Jack Conlon on the 18th green.
The O’Shea’s, Tony & Rory from Foxrock kept their roar going as they took care of Paul & Paul Whelan (Rathfarnham/Castle)
Leading qualifiers, David & Dan O’Beirne (Castle) gained the bragging rights in their all Castle match against Cathal & William O’Leary, winning 1 up and being the 8th match to play the final hole.
It was similar honours for Jim & Dara Mulready in another all Castle affair with Jim & Brian Moran, this time winning 2/1.
The great run of Niall & Ben McDonnell (Castle) also came to an end with Ken & Elliott Doyle (Grange) advancing to the last 16.
We also lost Castle’s Garry & Jamie Lyons, who went down on the 18th green to Fion & Liam Lacy (Hermitage/Royal Dublin) – unlucky and well done!
We will have the last 16 tomorrow with matches starting at 16:30 – so please come along and provide as much support to the players as possible – we will have 14 different clubs involved in these matches – great achievement by all.
2024 will see new champions crowned as All Ireland winners of the Father & Son Competition – time to start biting the nails !!
Please tune in for another great day’s golf!
Tuesday 2nd July 2024
Happy Tuesday and great to see you at the 2024 Castle Golf Club All Ireland Father & Son, sponsored by Kearys Motor Group.
Believe it as you may, but Happy World UFO Day – yes that’s right, today is World UFO Day – bet you did not know that when you woke up this morning.
The stated goal of the 2nd July celebration is to raise awareness of "the undoubted existence of UFOs" and to encourage governments to declassify their files on UFO sightings.
World UFO Day is celebrated by stirring conversations about how and why humans are not the only beings in the Universe.
No doubt we may see a few flying saucers over Castle Golf Club today and if we do, that they are accompanied with loud shouts of “FORE.”
The second half of round 1 is being completed this evening and again someone seems to have pressed the pause button on our summer sunshine, as it is rather cool – albeit thankfully not raining and indeed with a few touches of sunshine, every now and again.
Stuffed Chicken & Ham was on the menu tonight for those that were hungry and it was delicious.
There was a little stuffing on the course tonight as well, with a couple of matches ending early – apologies to the recipients – no one ever likes to hear the sound of dogs barking – we have all been there at some time, so the less said the better.
Lots of great matches out there with some terrific golf played – hope you all enjoyed the course.
The great rivalry that is enjoyed between Castle and local neighbours Grange continued tonight with Ken & Elliot Doyle (Grange) beating their hosts Austin & Austin Duke on the 18th green.
Brian & Martin Scullion (Lurgan), who take on the huge drive year on year, and I am not talking about going up the first, will continue in their quest for victory, having overcome Grange pairing, Aidan & Derry McArdle.
Wednesday evening will see golf starting at the later time of 15:30 pm with some mouth-watering matches.
The O’Beirne’s (David & Dan) – leading qualifiers and first time to make the matchplay, take on the O’Leary’s (Cathal & William) in an all-Castle affair.
Another Castle duel will see multiple club champion, Jim Mulready and his son Dara pitching their golf skills up against Jim & Brian Moran.
You got to finish work early and get up to watch some excellent matchplay, played to a high standard.
Many thanks today to our junior members for all their help and assistance.
See you at Castle.
Monday 1st July 2024
Welcome to Monday’s coverage of the 2024 Castle Golf Club All Ireland Father & Son, sponsored by Kearys Motor Group.
Now - while today maybe National Joke Day – its certainly no joke for the 64 players out there on the fairways of Castle Golf Club, vying to reach the second round of matches scheduled for Wednesday.
A little cool this evening, but Castle golf course looks simply amazing with the rolling fairways and truly superb greens.
Golf can always do with a bit of colour and tonight was no exception, and indeed throughout the qualifying round, Castle’s Seamus and James Yendole brought great colour to their match with their complimentary and colourful golf outfits including matching “Payne Stewart” caps. Always looks good to look good – style never lets you down.
Sadly, their golf did not have the same colour, as they went down to Paul & John O’Sullivan (Arklow/Enniscorthy)
Tonight has been a night of great tussles with eight matches coming down the 18th hole and all ending up on the final green.
Michael & Steve Finlan (Grange Castle/Castle)– the All-Ireland Father & Son Supremos with multiple wins to their credit, had their 2024 bid brought to a halt on the 18th losing to Ryan and Fran Gillane (Craddockstown) – pity as we would love to see Michael doing that famous jig – will have to wait until 2025 for Michael Flatfoot to perform once again.
Castle’s Captain Brendan Meaney and son Jimmy had their dreams ended also this evening when falling to Paul & Brett Nagle (Milltown) – Brett is a graduate of the Castle’s Schools Cup programme for primary school children, and it’s great to welcome him back to the Castle for this event.
Castle’s Junior Captain Sam Sheppard and his dad, David, hopes and wishes also came to a tragic end tonight, losing on the 18th green to David & Noel Joyce (Powerscourt/Royal Curragh)
A reminder to all successful pairings to keep an eye on the website tomorrow evening to see the draw for Wednesday and who you are playing and more importantly at what time.
Many thanks to all competitors, caddies and spectators this evening for a great night’s golf.
Live scoring is available on the Castle Club App
Sunday 30th June 2024
Happy Sunday and welcome back to the 2024 Castle Golf Club All Ireland Father & Son, sponsored by Kearys Motor Group.
It’s the last day of June and thankfully we can put yesterday’s drizzly conditions behind us as we enjoy a dry day with plenty of sunshine and an interesting wind to test the skills of each father and son.
On the desk this morning we have long time volunteers, Gerry Dunne, Ray Kavanagh and John Rogan, as the pairings arrive to be greeted with the traditional Castle Welcome.
A Great day’s golf enjoyed by most.
Best score of the day and indeed the weekend was enjoyed by David & Dan O’Beirne, both Castle members, who after many attempts have now qualified for the matchplay for their first time, with an amazing score of 64 net – Well done!
Best gross today went to Tony & Rory O’Shea (Elm Park) with a gross 77 winning on the back nine.
Apologies for some who requested a Tuesday start but there were simply too many looking to play on Tuesday and the draw had to place a few of you on Monday – hope it works out okay for you – we tried to accommodate as many as possible.
The draw is now published and available on the Website.
Good luck to all of you and well done on making it through the gruelling test of stroke play golf.
To those of you who failed to make the grade this time- we hope to see you next year.
There is a reserve list in case any who have qualified are unable to play.
The reserves are as follows:
  1. Ronan & Ger Feighery (Rathfarnham/Rathfarnham)
  2. Joe & Ross O’Grady (K Club/Heritage)
  3. Michael & Steve Finlan (Grangecastle/Castle)
  4. Kevin & Kevin Cronin (Castle/Castle)
  5. Michael & Ross O’Kelly (Portmarnock/Portmarnock)
  6. Alistair & Cliff Veltom (Bray/Druids heath)
We look forward to seeing you all at Castle over the next two days as the real fun begins!
Saturday 29th June 2024
Welcome to the 2024 Castle Golf Club All Ireland Father & Son, sponsored by Kearys Motor Group.
It was all guns blazing here at 6:30 am this morning with veteran stalwarts, Peter Jordan, David O’Beirne and Philip Murphy, working alongside Chairman Michael O’Neill, as they welcomed the early morning starters.
A moment for reflection, as we remember the late Mark Hutch, a great friend to all of us, who contributed so much over the last few years to this great event, with a smile and a chirpy outlook that warmed all our hearts. Let’s also remember all the fathers and sons who have competed in previous years and are no longer with us, save for than the great memories that they have provided.
Kearys Motor Group is Ireland’s largest family-owned motor group, founded 43 years ago by Bill Keary, Chairman
Brendan Keary, Chief Executive Officer and Castle member is leading Kearys through a period of expansion, opening their 13th dealership this year, and employing over 475 people throughout Ireland.
Kearys operating from multiple locations in Dublin Cork and Limerick, represent some of the motor industry’s most trusted and acclaimed brands – BMW, Hyundai, Nissan, Renault, Dacia, MINI and Motorrad - offering a massive selection of new and used cars, vans and motorbikes, together with a wide range of finance options.
Now back to the Golf!
It was a friendly, and a little drizzly greeting bestowed this morning, on the bleary-eyed fathers & sons that had chosen to be amongst the early birds on the course. 
First out at 7:30 am was Joe & Declan Donnelly stepping out alongside Justin & Gerry Byrne and after three and half hours, returned very respectable scores of 71 and 74 respectively.
Midway through the day’s proceedings and Castle’s Liam & Peter Larkin rattled in an impressive 68 to set the tone and low score for the day.
Castle’s Captain Brendan Meaney (former schoolboy international) lined up with his son Jimmy and produced a tidy 71, to ensure their presence in the match day stages of this fantastic tournament.
The rain continued to drizzle down throughout most of the day, causing a little dampness and leaving players to cope with challenging conditions.
The weather finally settled close to five o’clock with over the half the filed having completed their rounds.
It has been wonderful to watch Father & Son arrive today at Castle full of excitement, anticipation and confidence – indeed let’s celebrate Castle’s Seamus Yendole who is experiencing his 40th consecutive year of this competition.